Coloring Gene Predictions and Annotations by Codon
The Genome Browser's codon coloring feature allows users to quickly validate and compare gene
predictions and annotations. To turn on codon coloring, select the genomic codons option
from the Color track by codons pull-down menu.
Color Legend
bright green codons/lines: methionine, including start codons
cyan text: partial codon, either spliced or truncated
red "*": stop codons
- black "X": error (e.g. truncated
last codon)
All other codons are shown in the original track color, with codon boundaries indicated by
alternating lighter and darker shades.
Each codon is colored and labeled in the direction of transcription. This coloring applies only to
gene prediction and annotation tracks; thus the codon sequence is colored in reference to the genome
and not the associated mRNA. A gene prediction without a CDS will not be colored; these can be
non-protein-coding RNAs or predictions where a CDS annotation was not provided in the original
To view codon coloring, the option must be turned on, the track must be in squish, pack, or full
display mode, and the browser must be zoomed-in to a level at which there is at least one pixel per
codon. When zoomed out to large regions of the genome, the browser will not display codon coloring.
To view labeling, the track must be zoomed to within 3 times the base level.